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In terms of future security expenditure, which of these security technologies will see the highest increase, within the next 18 months?

The correct answer is  

Access control will see the highest increase in security expenditure, followed by video surveillance and new emerging technologies. This was the case for over half of the 900 organizations we surveyed.

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Access control will see the highest increase in security expenditure, followed by video surveillance and new emerging technologies. This was the case for over half of the 900 organizations we surveyed.

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What percentage of companies intend to invest in emerging electronic security technologies, within the next 18 months?

The correct answer is  

52% of companies intend to invest in emerging security technologies within the next 18 months, with 86% of organizations “very” or “extremely” interested in investing in this area, in the future

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52% of companies intend to invest in emerging security technologies within the next 18 months, with 86% of organizations “very” or “extremely” interested in investing in this area, in the future

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Which of these emerging electronic security technologies are companies most interested in adopting, globally?

The correct answer is  

Predictive analytics is the most popular emerging security technology, with 26% of organizations interested in leveraging security data to proactively predict potential security threats.

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Predictive analytics is the most popular emerging security technology, with 26% of organizations interested in leveraging security data to proactively predict potential security threats.

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What percentage of companies admit they aren’t adequately equipped to leverage security data to help generate operational efficiencies?

The correct answer is  

44% of organizations lack internal expert knowledge or a dedicated partner to analyze and structure security data to generate efficiencies. At Securitas Technology, we specialise in helping clients unlock and leverage this data.

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44% of organizations lack internal expert knowledge or a dedicated partner to analyze and structure security data to generate efficiencies. At Securitas Technology, we specialise in helping clients unlock and leverage this data.

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What percentage of companies have a separate and dedicated cybersecurity leader/team?

The correct answer is  

66% of organizations have a separate and dedicated cybersecurity leader or team. As companies embrace digital transformation and leverage advanced technologies, collaboration between electronic and cybersecurity processes will become increasingly important.

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66% of organizations have a separate and dedicated cybersecurity leader or team. As companies embrace digital transformation and leverage advanced technologies, collaboration between electronic and cybersecurity processes will become increasingly important.

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What is the leading reason companies are looking to implement cloud-based security technology?

The correct answer is  

Just under half of the companies we surveyed have already adopted cloud-based security technology, with cyber security protection the leading reason for adopting for investing in this area.

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Just under half of the companies we surveyed have already adopted cloud-based security technology, with cyber security protection the leading reason for adopting for investing in this area.

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